Wolves (2nd Grade)
Children attending 2nd grade are part of the Wolf program. To earn the rank as Wolf, Scouts must first earn their Bobcat rank if they are new to the program. This is earned by being able to say the Scout Oath, Law and motto; showing the Cub Scout sign, handshake and salute. Exercises in the How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide—Bobcat Requirements pamphlet must also be completed.
To complete the Wolf advancement, all required adventures must be completed and at least one elective. A Wolf Scout must also complete all requirements to earn their Cyber Chip. Additional elective adventures may be completed during regular den meetings or at home.
If you would like to follow along with the progress of your Cub Scout and their rank advancement, we keep all our records through Scoutbook. This is a great resource that will tell what your Scout has completed and where they currently are in their rank progress!
Path to Advancement
Second graders work toward the Wolf rank. The Wolf rank is earned by completing seven adventures as described below.
1. Complete each of the six required adventures:
Call of the Wild is mostly a Campout and things you do on a Campout
Council Fire is all about community service and stewardship through recycling and respect for the flag.
Duty to God Footsteps will often be an at-home because faith beliefs in Scouting are determined by the family and everyone’s duty is different.
Howling at the Moon is all about performing and communicating.
Paws on the Path covers hiking skills and nature and maps.
Running with the Pack is all about fitness, sports, games and nutrition.
2. In addition to the six required adventures, complete at least one elective adventure of your den’s or family’s choosing.
3. With your parent, guardian, or other caring adult, complete the exercises in the pamphlet entitled How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide.
4. Watch the Protect Yourself Rules video for 2nd Grade, Wolf. (The video is located at https://vimeo.com/325064564 and can be watched on-line or downloaded and viewed off-line.) OR Earn the Protect Yourself Rules Preview Adventure for Wolf.
Parents/guardians or the den leader approve each requirement by signing the Scout’s handbook. Scouts receive an adventure loop on completing each adventure and, after meeting all requirements, have earned the Wolf badge.
More information about doing the Wolf adventures at home with your Scout is found on the Scouting on Demand “Wolf on Demand” resource page – even more resources are available at this Wolf adventure resource page, which has both fun den group activity ideas plus family-led adventure resources (simple plans, videos, tips and more, like those in the adventure by adventure links above) for parents to do on their own schedules.
Wolf Adventure Tracking Sheets
Wolf Rank Tracking
Mandatory Adventures
Call of the Wild
Council Fire
Duty to God: Footsteps
Howling at the Moon
Paws on the Path
Running with the Pack
Elective Adventures
Adventures in Coins
Air of the Wolf
Code of the Wolf
Cubs Who Care
Digging in the Past
Finding Your Way
Germs Alive!
Paws of Skill
Spirit of the Water